Recently, several twitter influencers have been pushing Berberine as the “Natural Ozempic”, but is it actually as good as they say it is? Berberine is not a new supplement, otherwise I would not be writing this. I am not the sort of doctor to jump on the latest bandwagon, I like to examine all the facts first. So, I am happy to say that there is a lot of research on Berberine, and I believe it shows a lot of promise in a weight loss environment. Lately, it is probably the first nutrient that I would prescribe for weight loss. But it is not the same as Ozempic! Ozempic is a once-a-week injection that aims to increase insulin secretion and lower blood sugar levels, it has gained a huge following for its ‘off-label’ prescription for weight loss.
Berberine also works on blood sugar regulation and has been shown to lower sugar readings and improve insulin resistance. It is one of the few natural substances where research has demonstrated that it can result in weight loss. At this stage, the size and quality of the studies were not enough to sway mainstream medical opinion, however research is still ongoing.
Another reason I am excited about Berberine is that it also addresses many other aspects of health, many of which are associated with being overweight. It helps reduce cholesterol and improves blood vessel health, lowers high blood sugar, improves liver health, reduces inflammation, helps with hormonal imbalances (like PCOS) and helps with gut bacterial issues. It may even assist with high blood pressure and is being researched as a treatment for certain cancers.
I might even say that it helps people loose weight by making them healthier. This is particularly true in people who have insulin resistance. In my experience, insulin resistance is the most common underlying factor in people with a slow metabolism. If it is left unchecked it can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure and a gradually increasing level of background inflammation. What I like to call “Metabolic Inflammation” I like Berberine because it works on multiple levels at once and helps us move back towards a healthier state. What are the downsides you ask?
– Well firstly, it is a bit slower than some prescription medicines. Probably taking 2 months (plus/ minus) to start working on its own.
– Secondly, as it works on the but bacteria, some people get bloating when they start it, it also might have a detoxifying effect on the liver sometimes causing nausea. For this reason, I often like to start off with a lower dose and slowly increase.
– Thirdly, it is possible for it to interact with certain medications. So, it is better to seek professional advice before you combine it with other medicines.
– Lastly, it is hard to absorb and metabolize. This is a big problem! Sadly, I have tried many Berberine supplements and found many to be disappointing.
This brings me to the topic of this article, ‘Berberine phytosome’. This is the latest technology to improve the absorption and bioavailability of Berberine. Initially we had a pure extract (Berberine Hydrochloride) and tried to give high doses to get more absorbed. Then they introduced a Liposomal Berberine which was better, and now with the new, patented phytosomal technology, studies have demonstrated a 9 times greater availability over a standard extract. I must also add that Berberine is only a part of my approach to weight loss. I feel that to shift the underlying causes of metabolic issues, we typically need to eat well and move more. I feel that it is just common sense, if we want to want to look and feel healthier, then we must live a healthy life. I know it would be nice to ‘have our cake and eat it’ but sadly Berberine is not a miracle pill! I am very excited about the new Berberine extract, Berbevis™, as I have started seeing some promising results. I believe this is one nutrient we will be hearing a lot more about in the future.